Begu was a nun at Hackness (near Scarborough), the daughter community of Whitby. One day she was resting when she heard the chapel bell tolling, summoning the sisters to pray for a departing soul. She saw the roof of their community house rolled back and flooded with light, and witnessed the soul of Hild being escorted to heaven by many angels. She opened her eyes and realised that she was sat among the other sisters, and knew it was a vision. Running to her own abbess, Frigyth, she announced that abbess Hild had been taken from them. The sisters hurried to chapel where they sang psalms until a messenger arrived to bring the news of Hild’s death, and to the messenger’s surprise it was no surprise to them at all. The reality of the joy of her passing mingled with all their sadness at her loss.
Teach me, gracious Lord, to be prepared for You to break into my life and reveal Your message and purpose to me. Let me not be surprised at the ways You choose to do this, and give me courage to share what I know is from Your heart, that others, too, may be prepared and blessed, challenged and encouraged. Amen.