In July at both Nether Springs and in our online contexts, we are using two sets of readings each day. Morning prayer will be on ‘Pilgrimage’ which is taken from the Aidan readings in Celtic Daily Prayer Book 1. These readings will also be shown on our...
We are delighted that our full year’s programme for Nether Springs is now available, and that our online programme is being updated alongside, through to December 2023. Nether Springs We are pleased to be updating and releasing our overview of retreats and other...
For those of you still wishing to catch up with our Easter talks, liturgies and livestreams, please find them on Youtube in the playlist above. Our main Easter hub is HERE....
Sarah Pillar explores the theme of what it is to sing the Lord’s song in a strange land? How can you keep hope when ‘Home’ has changed? When the political and economic situation and the state of the planet is in crisis? How might we remain faithful in our ‘moveable...
On this Holy Saturday, join Dan Hazen, long-time Companion from Marysville US, as he reflects on a profound experience he had on a hike into the mountains. More resources for Holy Saturday can be found HERE....
This Good Friday, Sarah Hay explores the theme of how we can find ways of singing, as exiles, in a strange land. You can find more resources and information about Good Friday activities HERE....
Catherine Askew explores the theme of the hero’s journey, in the first of our Easter talks. You can find more about our Maundy Thursday resources HERE...
In April at both Nether Springs and in our online contexts, we are using two sets of readings each day. Morning prayer will be on ‘Exiles’ which is taken from the Eata readings in Celtic Daily Prayer Book 2. These readings will also be shown on our...
As we celebrate St Cuthbert’s Day this year, we are pleased to be sharing an original poem by Colin Symes, telling the story of St Cuthbert, with images of Holy Island and other places connected with his life; a recording of the Cuthbert Compline and a...
In light of the report which was released on January 30th, 2023, by the L’Arche community, we are deeply saddened and distressed to learn the full extent of Vanier’s abuse of women over many years, and his use of the L’Arche community to cover this. We would point you...