by consilience | Jun 26, 2020 | Videos
Catherine Askew reflects on a key teaching: ‘Those who lean on Jesus’ breast hear the heartbeat of God.’ We are invited to pause, as we prepare our hearts for breaking bread together. You might also like to join in with ‘A Celtic Communion’...
by consilience | Jun 19, 2020 | Videos
Catherine Askew reflects on how the Northumbria Community’s Rule of Life can help us to ‘act out of who we are’, with integrity, during these difficult...
by consilience | Jun 5, 2020 | Videos
In this leadership reflection, Sarah Pillar, Catherine Askew and Sarah Hay tell the story of an unexpected blessing they received, while on their way to visit Kielder Observatory, Northumberland, at the very beginning of their leadership...
by consilience | May 30, 2020 | Videos
Catherine Askew explores how God’s love can be both limitless and intimate through the push and pull of zooming both outwards and...
by consilience | May 22, 2020 | Videos
This week’s reflection is a special blessing from the leadership of the Northumbria Community for such a time as this. It is taken from the end of our Small Boat, Great Big Sea Communion Liturgy (see also the ‘Come and See’ Wednesday prayers from...
by consilience | May 15, 2020 | Videos
The work of the cell is important for the monastic life. In this week’s reflection, Catherine Askew encourages us to step into our cell to recognise and confront the monsters that might just be popping up more visibly in us during this time of...
by consilience | May 8, 2020 | Videos
Catherine Askew explores the idea of becoming ‘deepened’ and how it might enable us to make more meaningful connections with one...
by consilience | Apr 28, 2020 | Videos
Catherine Askew reflects on the experience of learning to be filled in a time of absence, as part of a new weekly series from the Leaders of Community, during this time of...
by Margaret Proud | Apr 26, 2020 | Uncategorized
Following a number of requests a PDF download of the Northumbria Community liturgy entitled Communion: Family Breaking of the Bread is now available from our online shop. This is already available within an existing Celtic Daily Prayer Communion Liturgies booklet. If...
by Sarah Hay | Mar 19, 2020 | Uncategorized
In these disorientating, difficult times and on the day that we have had to close our Mother House – Nether Springs – Catherine Askew outlines how keeping a monastic rhythm can help bring hope and meaning to our relationship with God and each other: alone,...