‘The closer we come to the cross, the closer we come to each other’ ~Jurgen Moltmann
There is something deep inside the heart of humanity that longs for things to be different, better. We have heard echoes of this longing as the life of Nelson Mandela has been remembered in this past year; for example, Barack Obama saying in his tribute: ‘He makes me want to be a better man’. How do we live with Difference? And what is the cost of it? Join with Revd. Ernie Whalley as we explore our human longing for Peace and what it means to serve the God of Shalom. Retreatants will have time to engage with the topic through teaching, discussion, creative reflection and prayer as we ultimately ask how each of us is being called to be a Peacemaker in our own spheres of influence.
Event type: Life Issues, Nether Springs Retreat, Spiritual Development