This Monday to Thursday led retreat will include an introduction on the first evening, daily input and the opportunity to join in with the monastic rhythms of the day. Lynda Owen-Hussey, a creative artist and longtime Companion in Community, who actually lives near some key sites associated with Brendan, will be leading this retreat.
Irish monks used boats called coracles to travel on the ocean in search of a ‘desert place’ in which they found God in a new way. One of the most famous of these monks is Brendan, who set out from the West coast of Ireland out into the vast wilderness of the ocean with a small boat and a simple prayer, ‘Christ of the Mysteries, can I trust you on the sea?’ During this retreat, we’ll explore something of what it is means to journey beyond the familiar. and embrace a call to risky living, which will resonate for many of us in the world we are inhabiting now. Part of this exploration will include a creative activity that will help us consider what it is to journey with God beyond the comfortable and familiar into the unknown and unchartered.
To learn more and join in: CLICK HERE
Suggested Donation: Many retreatants welcome a suggestion as to what might be an appropriate donation. This is always a difficult question to answer. However, for your guidance, the suggested donation is £150 – £180. We have found that if everyone gives as they are able, in the end, there is enough to sustain the ongoing life of the Northumbria Community.
Event type: Celtic Sites & Saints, Nether Springs Retreat, Spiritual Development