The following books and CDs are a small selection of resources recommended for those seeking to understand something of the ethos and spirituality that continues to inform and inspire the vision and vocation of the Northumbria Community. Not many of the books can be described as light reading but all of them will repay careful, prayerful study.
Title | Author | Publisher |
Celtic Daily Prayer | Northumbria Community | Collins |
How then shall we live Booklets | Northumbria Community | Northumbria Community |
Reaching Out | Henri Nouwen | DLT |
The Way of the Heart | Henri Nouwen | DLT |
Seven Sacred Spaces: Expressing Community life in Christ | George Lings | Encounters on the Edge No. 43 |
Streams of Living Water | Richard Foster | HarperCollins |
Poustinia | Catherine de Hueck Doherty | Madonna House |
The Celtic Way of Prayer | Esther De Waal | Hodder & Stoughton |
The Wisdom of the Desert | Thomas Merton | Sheldon Press |
Given for Life | Andy Raine | Kevin Mayhew |
Matching Monastery & Mission | George Lings | Encounters on the Edge No 29 |
Naked Spirituality | Brian McClaren | Hodder & Stoughton |
Life Together | Dietrich Bonhöeffer | SCM |
A Churchless Faith | Alan Jamieson | SPCK |
Exiles: Living Missionally in a post Christian Culture | Michael Frost | Hendrikson |
Cave, Refectory, Road | Ian Admas | Canterbury Press |
Listening to the Heartbeat of God | J Phillip Newell | SPCK |
Don’t Forgive too Soon | Dennis Linn | Paulist Press |
An Altar in the World | Barbara Brown Taylor | Canterbury Press |
Lost Treasures of Celtic Spirituality CD | Roy Searle and Duncan MacLean | Northumbria Community |
Northumbrian Spirituality for Our Lives Today CD | Roy Searle | Northumbria Community |
The Heart Alone with God CD | Trevor Miller | Northumbria Community |